Today: March 25, 2025


GP-III Course In Pakistan GP 3

GP-III Course

Maritime Training Institute is offering GP-III Course In Pakistan. Complete the below-given course from MTI after which you would be able to join Merchant Navy as a Seaman.

Get yourself enroll in Pre-sea training for General Purpose Crew (GP-III) and join Merchant Navy as a Seaman. Maritime Training Institute is providing Training at Karachi Campus which is located at “Mariners Fairway” 43, Timber Pond, Keamari, Karachi. Approved by Local Administration, in compliance with IMO Model Course & STCW. After successful completion of this course (GP 3), you can join Merchant Navy as a Seaman.

Best GP-III-General-Purpose-Rating-Course

Eligibility Criteria for Admission of GP-III

Qualification: Secondary School Certificate (Matric) or equivalent.

Age: 18 to 25 years at the time of Class Commencement.

Medical Fitness: For taking admission candidate must be medically fit as per IMO/ILO standards, prescribed for Seafarers.

Color blind are not allowed to take admission.

Accommodation: Maritime Training Institute (MTI) do not have any hostel facilities, however can facilitate the students who comes from other cities, but at their cost.

Uniform: Student must have to purchase the uniform by him/herself. (Uniform can be purchased from the Seven Seas Uniforms located at Seaman Hostel, Karachi).

Books: MTI will provide the books to students.


Will MTI offer job after completion of the GP-III course?

No, MTI do not offer jobs. But during the training our Instructor will guide you "How you can get the job".

Can I pay the fee in installment?

In some case MTI can give 1 or maximum 2 months grace period to pay the full fee. However, student must have to pay PKR.45,000/- at the time of admission.

Where can I find the Job, after completion of the GP-III course?

There are many shipping companies in Pakistan who are hiring skilled seafarers for their ships.

How I can apply for the job?

After completion of the course, our instructors will guide you, how to prepare the documents e.g. SSB, Basic Courses, Specialized Courses, C.V etc. to apply for the job.

Do MTI provide accommodation & Food?

No, MTI do not provide accommodation and food. Students who come from outside of Karachi make groups with other students and search hostel by their own. MTI has its own canteen from where you can buy hygienic food.

What type of job I will do on ship after completion GP-III?

Respective shipping companies will hire you as trainee (Ordinary Seaman - OS). Where you will assist your seniors and get experience.

Is this Government or Private Job?

Most of the shipping companies are private and Multinational. They provide Jobs on contract basis, which depends on their policies. Companies offer Six Months or Nine Months contracts. During the contract shipping company will provide you Food & Accommodation.

How much do I earn on monthly basis?

After completion of the course the shipping companies will hire you as a trainee on Merchant Navy ships, from where you can earn between 600$ to 1200$ per month.

Can I get promotion from (Ordinary Seaman – OS) to Officer Rank e.g. Captain or Chief Engineer?

Yes, after a required sea time by the Mercantile Marine Department – MMD you can apply for exam to get your Certificate of Competency – COC, after passing the exam you will be promoted to Officer Rank.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria


FSC / A-levels (Pre-Engineering) with at least pass marks inEnglish,PhysicsMathematicsChemistry or other suitable subject.OR Diploma in Associate Engineering (DAE)Ability in English Speech, Listening, Writing and Reading.Student’s Medical fitness certificate from authorized hospital.


InterviewPresenting all documents in original to the HR to be checked for correctness.


Duration & Timings

6 Months

Monday to Saturday
Morning Shift: 8am - 12pm | Afternoon Shift: 12:30pm - 5pm

Course Fee

PKR. 45,000/-

To be pay at the time of admission


Start Date Of Admissions

1st December 2024

Last Date Of Admissions

30th December 2024


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