Today: February 21, 2025




Syed Adnan Ahmed Mahmoodi

CEO/Managing Director

Syed Adnan Mahmoodi has truly made his mark in the shipping industry since 2015. His passion for this field has driven him to excel and reach great heights of success.

He diligently pursued his professional studies and obtained his PQE from the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers. In addition, Adnan Mahmoodi is a proud Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, showcasing his expertise in the logistics aspect of the maritime industry. 


25 March, 2024

Capt. S.M. Ajmal Mahmoodi, CMMar (LATE)

CEO/Managing Director

He was a Master Mariner with over 50 years of international experience in the Shipping and Maritime Sector. He has done his Masters in Marine Management from U.S.A in 1986 and he was  doing his PhD in Shipping & Maritime Management from LIGS University, USA.

He has been granted the Award of “Chartered Master Mariner” by Honorable Company in 2021. He is also Chartered Shipbroker and incorporated Administrator. He is also Chartered Marine Technologist.

Capt. S. M. Kamal Ahmed Mahmoodi (Late)


Captain Kamal Mahmoodi is well known to every one in the shipping industry. He is Chairman of “M” International Group from its inception i.e. 1993 He has over 47 years of International experience in the Shipping, Maritime, and Trading Sector.

Company Region
Unimarine S.A Dubai – UAE
Central Marine Dubai – UAE
Intergulf Dubai/Sharjah – UAE
Mercantile Marine Dubai – UAE